Overview of the Patient Profile screen and where to find functions from the old profile screen.
Background: Patient related functions are continually being added to MDScripts and over time the patient profile screen has become crowded and difficult to navigate for clients. This has lead to a reorganization of the patient profile area to better grouping of functional areas into tabs that can be used to display additional details about patients and better support additional function such as PDMP/DUR checking, Eprescribing and future integrations.
Patient Summary
Patient Name listed at top in large type
Patient alerts and error messages displayed at top of screen
Static listing of pertinent information such as DOB, Address, Insurance Information
Billing Approved and Patient Queue toggle options at top of screen
Patient function buttons available at top of Profile
Back to Patient Search
Lab Test - link to lab testing portal
Print Chart - prints patient chart details
Dispense - Dispense to patient
Patient Function Tabs
Details Tab
Primary patient demographics
Demographics now grouped together by categories
Fields are mobile friendly and adapt to different screen sizes
Demographic sub functions at top
Add Patient Note
Edit Patient Alert
View Visit Documentation screen
Prescriptions Tab
Combined view of all patient's prescriptions including prescriptions dispensed in-house as well as any transferred prescriptions or prescriptions eprescribed to outside pharmacies.
List can be filtered and sorted based on source of prescriptions, status, or user can use search box to see all prescriptions for a specific medication.
In-house dispensed prescriptions have an Actions function button to Edit, Print, Print/Carry, or Void a prescription
Prescription sub-function buttons include
Print Rx Discount Card Transfer Prescriptions
Write Prescription
ERx to outside pharmacy
Dispenses Tab
Shows past dispenses to the select patient
Dispense option - Dispense to patient
Billing Tab
Separate groupings for different insurance types
Commercial insurance plans grouped together
Work Comp/Auto PIP/PI payers grouped together
Note: Billing approved toggle switch at top in Patient Summary section
Billing sub-function buttons include
Insurance Card Finder
Search Active Insurance Plans
View/Edit Claims (WC/Auto/PI)
Sync to RXBilling
Documents Tab
Tab will show any e-sign documents generated for the patient
DUR/Allergies Tab
Manage Current Medications, Allergies, and Illness/Conditions for the patient, which is used for DUR checking.
Note: Tab will be hidden if DUR checking is disabled for a site.
Shows patient profile history and changes to patient data.
Deprecated Functions
The following functions that were previously available are being phased out and are not available in the new patient profile area. Please contact support if you are still utilizing these:
Fax Rx - function previously generated a printable sheet that could be faxed to a pharmacy. This is being replaced by new eprescribing functionality.
Rx Form - Similar to the Fax Rx form that allowed printing a form that listed prescriptions for patient.
Compounds - Printable form only with Compounds. Originally used to send drop ship compound prescriptions to compounding pharmacies.
Medication Profile - This is still available under Instant Reports, but there will no longer be a direct link from the patient profile.
View Previous Orders - Orders how shown on Orders tab.